Mental Health

Healing the Gut: All about the good bugs

Did you know that our body lives symbiotically with many bugs, called the microbiome? Did you know that many chronic diseases, such as allergies, skin issues, depression, obesity, hypertension and more are linked to a disruption of our microbiome? 

We are seeing a plethora of research today showing the benefits of a healthy microbiome, this being the collection of healthy bacteria in our body. The majority of this microbiome is located in our gut, which is why I discuss gut health with so many of my patients! Many of you may be familiar with the word “acidophilus” but that is only one strain of probiotics, or live bacteria, which lives symbiotically with us. Some other strains that are important are lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and saccromyces boulardii. Sound like gibberish? Luckily, it is helpful gibberish. 

A few important roles of probiotics:

  1. They protect against pathogens: A spectrum of immune conditions, from simple colds and flus to chronic immune deficiencies, such as Hashimotos and Crohns, can occur if we have a deficiency in probiotics. This is due to the fact that more that 70% of our immune system resides in our digestive tract and probiotics help to strengthen it. Some germs are actually good for us in this case. If we wiped out all those bugs, from over sanitization or antibiotics we decrease our bodies ability to protect us from when we need them the most.
  2.  They protect the gut lining itself: Heard of the term “leaky gut?” Our digestive tract is simply one layer of cells, with the blood stream directly beneath it. Therefore, it is quite fragile. An imbalanced flora can lead to permeability of these cells, by up-regulating a protein called zonulin, which has been shown to be correlated with auto-immune conditions, such as celiac disease, and other chronic diseases. This permeability leads to an increase in inflammation in the blood stream. Diagnosed with “IBS”? Probiotics may be the gut protection you need. 
  3. They calm the nervous system and affects the mind: I have spoken before about the correlation of depression and anxiety and an imbalanced microbiome. By protecting the gut lining, probiotics decrease overall inflammation in the body. Probiotics have also been shown to stimulate neurochemical production such as GABA and serotonin, our calming signals, and also communicate directly with the brain through the vagus nerve (one of the largest nerve in the body, connecting the brain and the gut.) 

My tips to help your gut: 

  1. Focus on Diet. The western-style diet of more carbohydrates and more sugar leads to higher levels of inflammation and gut permeability. They also feed the “bad” bugs, such as yeast and an imbalance ensues. By focusing on eating more vegetables and fibre and eliminating sugar and processed carbohydrates, the gut will thank you. 
  2. Get some Vitamin D. This multifunctional vitamin decreases zonulin in the gut, ultimately helping our probiotics to function more affectively. Summer in Nova Scotia is a great time to increase your vitamin D, so get out in the sun...for a reasonable amount of time!
  3. Eat your fermented foods. Kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut are all great ways to improve your gut flora with food.  **A note on kefir: Please read the bottle! All kefir is not the same. Avoid the flavoured versions with added sugar (just negates the effects). If you are sensitive to dairy, try coconut kefir, which actually has more probiotics per tablespoon (15 billion vs 2 billion). Finally, increase the dose slowly, starting with 1/2 tbsp, increasing to only 2 tbsp, added to other yogurt or smoothies. Too much all at once may cause more bloating. 
  4. Take a probiotic supplement. In my practice I usually start my patients on a supplement form as a larger correction is needed or a certain strain is important. The dose and strain depends on their concern. It may be hard to get enough probiotics in food form before the imbalance is corrected. Ask your ND what is right for you. 

So there you have it, probiotics have several important roles in our body, especially in the gut. If you have any questions on these little bugs please don’t hesitate to ask or reach out to me in a 15 minute free consults. Happy to help!

In health & happiness,

Dr. Karen


(Photo credit: 

Anxiety: Tried and Tested Tools

As the concept of mindfulness becomes more recognized, anxiety and high stress seem to be more prevalent. Perhaps we are finally taking note of how our body feels and recognizing that there needs to be a shift, or perhaps we just keep piling on responsibilities.

There is an optimal level of stress, we would not get anything done if we had nothing to drive us (see graph below). However, it is easy to teeter over the edge! 

Finding ways to manage your anxiety so we are not always "on alert", is vital to our health. I have mentioned before that this is something I have struggled with over the years. I have never suffered from lack of sleep due to stress, unless it is the night before a big event, but my stomach and skin suffers and I notice it quickly. Everyone will have their own way anxiety and stress represents itself in their body and recognizing these signs is helpful. It is well documented that anxiety and high stress have many negative implications on our health.

  • Does your mind race at night, preventing you from getting to sleep?
  • Do you find it hard to concentrate at work?
  • Do you find you are overly emotional before your period, or in general?
  • Do you get palpitations or a racing heart?
  • Do you feel bloated often?
  • Is your skin breaking out in hives often?
  • …just to name a few.

Tried and Tested Tools:

Over the years, there have been several natural “go-to’s” to manage my stress and anxiety and I wanted to share a few more with you:

  1. Yoga: What I love about yoga is that it is for all levels and all body types. There are days I want to push myself and work up a sweat or try a new pose, and days I could sit in child’s pose or legs up the wall the whole time. Both are very nourishing at the right time. The movement is in tune with your breath, connecting mind to body. If you are beginner or would like something slower and nourishing check out If you are in Halifax, check out Shanti Hot Yoga, Rio or Breathing Space - to name a few. If you want a little more fire at home check out 
  2. Meditation: Start with playing your favourite song, like this one, sit comfortably on the floor and breath deeply, into your chest and belly, until it is over. It can be that simple! Or take 20 minutes a day to try Deepak Chopra’s 21 day mediation challenge - starting Monday. 
  3. Rescue remedy: I love having this in my purse at all times for those acute stressors. Bach flowers are an amazing gentle form of medicine and this is a blend of a few. You can find it in any health food store, or the health food section of the grocery store. 
  4. Time with friends and family: My friends and family are very important to me. Not only do they make me feel good in the moment, I will live longer because of them! There is a great study showing that social support is a better predictor of lifespan that BMI, pollution and even smoking. My weekends are typically filled with time with my loved ones, decreasing my cortisol levels and increasing oxytocin. 
  5. Avoiding stimulants: Unless I am on a very relaxing vacation, I cannot drink coffee or any caffeine. I am a slow metabolizer of coffee, therefore a small amount makes me jittery and spikes my anxiety. I suggest taking a caffeine break for at least 2 weeks, to understand how your body reacts to it. Other options are chamomile or peppermint tea, or just plain water. 
  6. Mind mapping: I have started about 3 journals, all with 1-3 entries in it. It is not my thing. However, when I am feeling overwhelmed, making a mind-map or vision board of my ideas helps to organize my thoughts and create a plan. 
  7. To do lists: Lists are key to a stress free week. I was introduce to Toodledo by a friend and colleague and it has made life so much easier. I can make due dates, organize by importance, and I don’t have to re-write things over and over. Do you have a favourite To Do app?
  8. Acupuncture: Is the tip of your tongue red? Do you have red dots over your tongue? These are clues that your body is “on alert.” Acupuncture addresses this pattern with powerful points like Yin tang or Ht 7. Consistency is key with acupuncture. 

I do take, and suggest, supplements when needed, and that is where a Naturopathic Doctor can help. Sometimes a little extra support is necessary, especially during times of acute anxiety. I also have mentioned before that anxiety could be due to a hidden cause and an ND can help decipher what that might be. 

What are your favourite anxiety busters? Let me know in the comments below 😃

In health & happiness, 

Dr. Karen


Sticking to those New Years goals

Happy first snow day of 2016!! Are you as excited to see the snow as I am? 

Below are little reminders of tips I mentioned over the past year to help you stay motivated, remain on track with your goals and ultimate climb higher on the mountain that is life. 


On December 31st many of us set intentions for the New Year. These could be to loose weight, decrease stress, or accomplish something big at work. How quickly do we loose track of these resolutions because life gets in the way? It is important to dream big, but in order to be successful at achieving our goals and avoid defeat, we need accountability and simple steps to take to keep us on track. Here are 7 steps I suggest:

  1. Break goals down: Goals that are too big to achieve all at once can overwhelm us, leading to a higher chance of failure. I find that breaking them down into more achievable goals is key. For example, if your goal is to loose 15lbs by the summer, break it down into 5lb increments and work towards that every 2 months. Or even smaller if needed.
  2. Set positive intentions daily: Expanding from the last point, setting intentions every morning, whether it be eat your greens or thank someone today, provides motivation and focus for the day and ultimately decreases stress and improves mood. Try the 5-minute journal.
  3. 5-minute meditation: Meditation has been proven to the decrease the stress hormone cortisol, decrease blood pressure and improve sleep, among other things. It will ultimately make you more productive and closer to your goals. Try headspace, calm app or simple start by listening to a song you love and try to remain present. 
  4. Drink lemon water: If weight loss or proper digestion is a goal this year, warm water with lemon in the morning will stimulate digestion and improve liver function, prepping your body for the day.
  5. Sleep: Sleep is one thing that tends to suffer, the busier life is. Sleep is when we detox, repair tissues and eliminate toxins. Lack of sleep decreases immune function, increases cortisol and increases anxiety/inflammation. Aim for 7 hours of sleep a night. Try lavender essential oil or turning off electronics an hour before bed. 
  6. Write things down: We are always more accountable when things are written down. I was taught to create to-do lists for everything! It always feels good to cross something off the list, knowing you are closer to your goals. This goes for resolutions, what you want in life, or your daily tasks.
  7. Seek advice: Finally, if you need support or accountability, please reach out. There are a variety of services available to you and people happy to help. I am one of them :)

In health & happiness, 

Dr. Karen

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